Big news from Kiev.
“Ukraine Wants to be The Crypto Capital of the World” headlines a front page business section story in The New York Times.
The truth is that Ukraine wants to invest in start-ups and create proper conditions for their growth. And they have a big goal: to build the most convenient country in the world, for people and business.

Alexander Bornyakov, deputy minister at the Digital Transformation Ministry, explains the main long-term objective: “The big idea is to become one of the top jurisdictions in the world for crypto companies”. And has been very positive about the new changes: “We believe this is the new economy, this is the future and we believe this is something that is going to boost our economy.”
The central bank is mulling approval of Monobank’s new ‘cryptocurrency card’, says Oleh Gorokhovsky, a co-founder of the online bank. He said he has been waiting for three months for the National Bank of Ukraine to approve the Bitcoin card.
The future of #Cryptocurenncy is promising, but the present is delicious — especially with Snacks!